Ignatz albums on Bandcamp
The Ignatz bandcamp page is up and running! You can check it out here. While we'll be adding more albums, we compiled a list of Ignatz albums you can find on Bandcamp to listen to.
The Cure - Krut EP - 2023
I live in a utopia - LP reissue version - 2022
You can't see me 7" - 2021
Saturday's den (with Stervende Honden)
Live at Ateliers Claus - 2020
The Drain - 2016
Can I go home now - 2013
Bring you buzzard meat - 2013 Harris Newman & Ignatz
I live in a utopia - Tape version - 2010
Selected songs from cassettes - 2010
Mort aux vaches - 2010
A canine and a kitten in the car - 2009
III - 2008
II - 2007
S/T Album - 2005